Profile Picture

Breno Silva

Senior Software Engineer

About me

I'm a product oriented engineer with 10 years of experience in areas like FrontEnd (Web and Mobile), Backend (APIs and Databases), DevOps, and Machine Learning. I enjoy delivering value, getting things done, and refactoring old codebases (when needed).

I'm a lifelong learner. I love open source and developer UX. My current side projects include a programming language interpreter in Golang, Neovim plugins to boost my productivity, and a Rust application to generate statistics from git repositories.

Fun facts: (a) I worked five years as a police officer back in Brazil, during which I developed InfrAÇÕES, a traffic law application with over 100,000 users; (b) Brendalf comes from a college joke combining Breno + Gandalf.

I love

Flamengo, Coding, Reading, Cooking, Music, Drawing, Games, and Running.